Tag: Mootools
Advanced object selection using Mootools
Mootools’ “Selectors” utility has some really strong feature. It really saves a lot of time and sweat. Using this property, one can select a tag (any one can!), tag with specific name, id or any other attribute (huh!) and most amazingly part of a property value matching to some string… Say you want to select…
Mootools Basics
Mootools is a great JavaScript library and I feel really comfortable using it. There are lot other libraries, like JQuery, DoJo, ExtJS. They have their own features, but I feel strong with Mootools. ExtJs is really good, but very much heavyweight. On the other hand, Mootools is really lightweight. Including all the core features, it…
An Website Colorscheme Editor
I’ve worked on a website color scheme editor recently. The main idea was to change the colors and banner of a website. The target website was my recent work with my department’s website. Well…. There are a lot of color scheme editor available on the web, but I tried something different. I wanted to give…